1w6 - Ein Würfel System - Einfach saubere, freie Rollenspiel-Regeln


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Hexbattle mit Zombies!

Passend zu Samhain und Halloween gibt es heute

1w6-Hexbattle mit Zombies!


Wenn ihr Hexbattle selbst testen wollt, werdet ihr unter bitbucket.org/ArneBab/hexbattle fündig. Gestartet wird es mit

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Ascii-Battle - 1w6-modul für Python3 (d6)

Ich habe die letzten Tage endlich das EWS-Modul neugeschrieben - v.a. mein Teil am Code war doch sehr chaotisch. Es ist jetzt deutlich schlanker und einfacher zu lesen.

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Appliance 2008

Google Summer of Code™ Organization Application
Please note that you will be considered the administrator/main contact for this organization.
Also note that all fields are required unless otherwise indicated.

You have 5 Organization Application(s) left.

About Your Organization ^ back to top

1. What is your Organization's Name?

1d6 roleplaying

2. What is your Organization's Homepage?


3. Describe your organization.

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Appliance template

What is your name?

Your full name

What do you want to do?

Please give short summary of your proposal.

Why is this proposal important to you?

What is your personal reason for wanting to do this project?

How does your proposal help roleplaying games in general and roleplaying games in python in particular?

What will our world gain when you act on your proposal?

Why are you exactly the right person to realize it?

Please give reasons and (where possible) credentials.

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Ideas 2008

Ideas for Google SoC projects:

  • A GUI for the battlefield simulator
  • A character generation GUI/lib
  • A story engine using the flexible yaml data serialization format as story files
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Über 1w6
GNU General Public License v3
GNU General Public License v3
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„Eine interessante Denk­richtung, die sich für mich als altem DSA Spieler fast schon ungewohnt schlank anfühlt.“
— Philipp von Phönixbanner
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