1w6 - Ein Würfel System - Einfach saubere, freie Rollenspiel-Regeln

The just-link permission for the GPL

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This is an additional permission for the GPL. We call it the “just-link” permission.

As additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7, you may distribute these works without the copy of the GNU GPL normally required by section 4, provided you include a license notice and a URL through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source and the copy of the GNU GPL.

Explanation: As long as you only use material which provides this permission in addition to being licensed under the GNU GPL, you can ship a printed book, a postcard or similar works without having to include a full copy of the GNU GPL. Material which uses this permission is compatible with any other work under GPL, but the permission only applies to the combined work if all parts carry it individually.



Copyright 2015 [YOUR NAME] & Co, License: GPLv3+ (gnu.org/l/gpl) with just-link permission (1w6.org/just-link-gpl). Sources: [link to the documents you use, together with a list of other contributors]


Copyright 2015 [DEIN NAME] & Co, Lizenz: GPLv3+ (gnu.org/l/gpl) mit just-link Erlaubnis (1w6.org/just-link-gpl). Quellen: [Link zu den Dokumenten, die benutzt, zusammen mit einer Liste der Beitragenden der Werke, die du nutzt]

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GNU General Public License v3
GNU General Public License v3
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„Dass man alle abs­trak­ten Werte benennt, macht den Ein­stieg wun­der­bar ein­fach und intuitiv.“
— Tim Charzinski in der Rezension bei den Teil­zeit­helden
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