1w6 - Ein Würfel System - Einfach saubere, freie Rollenspiel-Regeln

Space Station Inhabitants

Bild von Drak

Random NPC generation with occupation and a keyword for portrayal, written for the 200 Word RPG Supplement Challenge 2016. Tailored for shady space stations. Also available as PDF.

Start with the first table. Roll one die. On a 5, move one column to the left. On a 6 move right. Never change direction or leave the table: Use row 5/6 instead. Else select the row for the number you rolled.

Go to the next table. Start with the row for the last number you rolled. Roll again. 5 moves up, 6 moves down, never turn around. The number gives the column. The last column is special: It never applies to the job in the row rolled in the first table.


  5 direct 6
3 Beggar Clerk Prostitute
1 Peon Mechanic Guard
2 Pirat Trader Smuggler
4 Thug Docker Medic
6/5 Journalist - Waiter

Keyword for portrayal

  3 1 2 4 5/6
5 Cigaretts Pestering Weary Newspad Cold
3 Rags Glasses Sorrow Scarf Blaster
1 Frank Dice Toolbelt Gregarious Bold
2 Finger-Tent Earring Pipe Fearful Naive
4 Bragging Open Crowbar Notepad Snob
6 Pen Notebook Drink Flirting Shy
2016-04-16-Sa-space-station-inhabitants.txt3.23 KB
2016-04-16-Sa-space-station-inhabitants.org2.27 KB
2016-04-16-Sa-space-station-inhabitants.pdf63.64 KB
2016-04-16-Sa-space-station-inhabitants-ascii.txt1.92 KB
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